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Low Flow Fogger for evaporative cooling

Salient Features :
Very high degree of humidity formation and evaporative climate cooling
Unique vortex flow
Fine droplets
Anti-leak mini-valve to prevent drainage when not in operation
Also supplied as a complete assembly consisting anti-leak mini valve to prevent drainage, dead weight to keep fogger straight, extension tube and connectors
Applications :
Humidification and evaporative climate control in greenhouses and high tunnels
Livestock shades cooling
Cutting propagation and seed germination on tables
Orchid and Anthurium irrigation
Specifications :
Nominal flow rate at 3.5 bar- 22 lph
Operating pressure: 2.5 to 5.5 bar.
Coverage Diameter: 60-150 cm depending on pressure Pattern 360°.
Average droplet size 70 micron.
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