Durable multi-seasonal integral dripline.

Salient Features :
IS: 13488 : 2008 marked
Long lasting multi seasonal driplines
Available in various flow rates and emitter spacings.
Cylindrical dripper designed with a long and wide labyrinth which provides turbulent water flow to minimize formation of residues and settling soil particles.
Large inbuilt inlet filters to prevent physical impurities entering in to the dripper.
Manufactured with two outlets. Additional outlet helps to eliminate the intrusion of small particles when the water is shut off.
Outstanding clogging resistance.
Constant inside diameter regardless of dripline wall thickness
Manufactured from superior durable materials ensuring longevity Protected against UV degradation, Resistant to chemicals and fertilizers commonly used in agriculture
Conforms to “A” class Emission Uniformity
Manufactured using “Imported State of the Art Extrusion technology”.
Black colour laterals for UV stabilisation and No environmental effects.
Applications :
As drip inline laterals in closely spaced field crops like
sugarcane, cotton, banana, strawberry, floriculture, vegetables etc -
Green houses and Nurseries
All close spacing crops
As loop system wide spacing crops
With group spacing for fruit orchards
Suitable for surface as well as sub surface installations.
Available in 1.15 Lph, 2 lph ,4 lph , 8 Lph flow rates in 16 mm diameter
Available in 1.3 Lph, 2 lph and 4 lph flow rates in 20 mm diameter
Available in 2 lph ,3 lph ,4 Lph flow rates in 12 mm diameter.
Drippers’ spacing of 15 cm and above
Nominal operating pressure – 1 bar